Organizing chardonnay-specific wine tasting - looking for suggestions on itinerary! - The Athan Zafirov Wine Blog
My friends and I have begun to organize tastings among our group to learn more about wine together. I am thinking about having our next tasting be based on as broad of a spectrum of the interpretations of a single grape varietal possible, and we're pretty set on Chardonnay being that grape.
I have a good sense of the basic sections of the spectrum (buttery / rich oaked interpretations, crisp citrusy unoaked interpretations, and sparking blanc de blanc), but am now trying to get going in the right directions of what regions / subregions would show off the spectrum of chardonnay wines the best.
SO, I am putting it out into the reddit universe full of folks who know more about I than wine, for any recommendations on what 6x-8x regions / subregions (and if you desire, specific bottles) you would choose, if you wanted to show off the most broad spectrum of chardonnay possible.
Looking for single varietals / no blends.

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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