We have an abandoned vinyard in my area. I go visit it sometimes but it's really unkempt and I'm not sure if any vines will produce anything. It's been left alone all five years I've lived here. I'm acquainted with the owner, who is quite elderly, and he's fine with me being on the property since I've been cleaning it up for the last five years and has given me his blessing to tend a few vines for fun. Are there any resources on taking care of vinyards you can point me towards? I'd like to do a little maintenance beyond just picking up the trash that blows through it while walking the dogs through it every so often to see if I can get some grapes from it this summer. It will never be enough to produce wine on it's own, but the grapes used to go out to a cooperative when it was producing.

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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