I'm hoping a wizz kid here can pick up what's wrong with me. 9/10 wines I taste just taste awful.
I've had people tell me it's the tannins. It's the type. It's the sulphates. Etc.
Blind tasting has never given me an answer on what it is that I'm tasting that makes so much of it taste so foul.
I'm in Margret river wine region and it's all so terrible.
I've had maybe 5 bottles of wine that didn't have the funky taste. A cheap $3 clearance wine, a McLaren Vale, and a couple of random ones at a few dinners. I must have tried a couple hu free wines and they all taste the same and it's the same flavor. Kind of bitter, hits me in the face like a brick wall.
Food wise some flavours I'm not a fan of are, olives, that's about all... Lol. I'll eat anything but wine just makes me gag. I can drink other kinds of alcohol, most of them also taste like garbage but it's a different taste.
I'm at my wits end and have almost given up because I go on wine tours 3-4x a year and I keep just sucking down garbage for the sake of it. Any guides on specific flavours. Or would the best approach be to try a few hundred more, record which were good and bad then share those numbers to determine what is the magical combination.
I spent $500 getting a case of the McLaren Vale flown here just because it was one of the only wines I've ever tasted that didn't put me off.
Thanks in advance

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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