Last night I opened a bottle of Caymus 40th Anniversary (2012 Cab) and a bottle of Nickle and Nickle John Sullenger (2015 Cab) with family - both were unbelievable bottles (Caymus by a hair in my view - everyone else on the Nickle train fwiw).
This morning we both woke up with pounding headaches - this wasnt a “hangover” and isn’t a problem I have...ever actually. With thar said, something that vinters use in very low end wine to stabilize the flavor / wine life or something can mess my wife up every now and then and we generally drink organic or biodynamic for a number of reasons...but this was clearly neither of those situations.
Anyone have any thoughts about what might cause splitting headaches the morning after drinking some very nice Napa wine? Again, this was not a hangover, this was something totally different and the only thing we can point to is the wine.
Thanks in advance and hope other people aren’t having the same issue!

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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