Going for CWS Certification of SWE: what & how should I get the necessary things? - The Athan Zafirov Wine Blog
I'm a wine hobbyist/enthusiast who would like to get the CWS certification of SWE.
Based on their website ( https://societyofwineeducators.secure.force.com/Purchase_Catalog and https://swecourseportal.societyofwineeducators.org/#/catalog) , I will have to buy the CSW Exam to take the exam and get the certification, correct?
I was thinking of first buying the Study Guide and Workbook and only at a later stage going for a Professional Membership and CSW Exam (since membership + discount + exam is cheaper than exam). Is this sensible? Allows me to time the exam better, I guess? Planning to take it online (Covid).
Beyond that, there are also practice exams, flashcards, access to the study site and Wine Map Exercices. Are these worthwhile to buy as well?

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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