Is there a market for a wine storage facility? My idea is people can buy wine online and ship it to this warehouse (would be located on Long Island NY), or they can drop off wine and have their own storage space. - The Athan Zafirov Wine Blog
So my background is I am 28 and live at home with my parents. I enjoy the idea of collecting wine and understand it can be quite lucrative if done correctly. I have a small wine fridge in my room, but space is obviously an issue until I get my own place. I have researched larger wine fridges and see $1000+ for a 100+ bottle fridge. Add on the cost to run these fridges and it adds up.
A retail store closed by me that is 40,000sq ft and available for lease. There is also another nearby commercial location available for lease but it is only 13,000sqft and probably too small. Could be good for a test facility, though. My idea is to turn the entire place into a properly humidified, climate-controlled, wine storage facility.
Restaurants can store their wine there, Vineyards from all over the world can rent storage space, people who want to collect wine or maybe just have too much in their house and want to free up space can utilize the facility.
My idea is to make this available to the entire country where if people find good deals online and want to stock up they can make purchases and ship their wine directly to the facility.
The median household income in a 5-mile radius around this facility is $130,000 so there could be a lot of interest. Any thoughts or suggestions would help greatly.

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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