Hello. First off, this post is not about calling out individual producers or to step on anybody's toes – its simply a topic I was wondering about. As the title says: How common is adulteration in wine production? E.g. adding sugars, flavors, alcohol or other additives that are not plain grape-juice? In my romantic conception any wine that is not some "cheap stuff" is produced solely with grape juice of a single or different varieties. We had the discussion recently and some friends said that they know people that know of "well-known" wine producers that actually adulterate their wines – the usual hearsay... Well, I would not be surprised though if it is true and common.
Do you know more? Is adulteration even legal (depends on the country i guess)? Do you need to declare ingredients on the label?

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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