Looking for recommendations: what are some white wine flavors that are slightly* sweeter than Pinot Grigio but just as strong alcohol % wise? - The Athan Zafirov Wine Blog

Looking for recommendations: what are some white wine flavors that are slightly* sweeter than Pinot Grigio but just as strong alcohol % wise?

As the title says, don’t need anything deep or specific. Just in your experience, what would you recommend ?

(I specifically drink either Franzia or barefoot Pinot Grigio - if it matters. I am not sensitive/picky between brands and looking for something on the cheap end.)

White Zinfandel I find is too sweet, but Pinot Grigio is usually not quite sweet enough for me. Thanks again!

Athan Zafirov Wine

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.

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