So I was pointed towards Garagiste last year by a wine professional friend of mine, and I was pretty excited to try it out. I enjoyed reading the long flowery daily emails, and quickly found bottles I was interested in - a few Riesling sekts, a nice blanc de noirs, etc. BUT as time went on I realized that the bottles listed as “will be here in plenty of time to ship by the holidays” in Sept were still not in come Dec. I went ahead and arranged shipping for 6 bottles in mid December (cancelling the other 6 that still had not showed). Shipping was $35, which is more than I’m paying from anywhere else. It took them almost a month from when they agreed to ship to when it shows up at my house. And the “mystery bottles” I purchased of fancy kabinett ended up being the same wine I grabbed as a cellar saver from Costco for much less money a few weeks ago. So overall I’m underwhelmed by the entire experience. Yet I know wine people that swear by them. What am I missing? Do any of y’all love Garagiste?

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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