my Quick Caveat as usual.
[I am new to wine and havent tried that many. But whenever I do, i try to document it on /r/wine and cellartracker for my own future reference, as well as for feedback (of any kind), and what others think.
unfortunately, i have stopped taking pictures of the bottle/drink for reviews for lower priced bottles. It takes to much work to set up a good angle for a picture, transfer pic from phone to PC, crop/upload. ill only take pictures if its something special, or medium to higher end to validate my review, special event, etc.]
So today im posting a review of the 2020 A to Z pinot noir. From my understanding, the 2020 year was a bad year for Oregon due to the fires. I do not know nor have enough knowledge to know how that affects the wines in general. Or how it affected the region/vineyard/company. But I still went ahead and picked this one out several months ago because I was curious about pinot noir.
I first drank this 1 day ago.
Price $15 USD. can be found everywhere. (Total Wine, Grocery store, etc)
Drank after 15 min in the fridge
Semi Translucent. I can see my hands through it, but not enough to read a newspaper probably.
No variation at the rim.
Medium Ruby, light intensity, short legs
on the nose Medium in intensity and alcohol. Very alluring/seductive scent
Fruity, red fruits (raspberry, currants)
Obviously youthful
Very fruit forward
Light body
Medium- Acidity
Medium Alcohol
Medium- Tannin
Light/low intensity, Feels very delicate but simple
very low tannins. Very smooth
Red fruits
Medium Finish.
Conclusion: Very smooth and has a very alluring scent. Perfect to drink now. Will pair well with a light meal such as fish, pasta, chicken I can also see this being a decent budget daily sipper. i do not know much about wine still, nor have enough of a baseline to rate it. But for the sake of having a rating, I would rate this a 8/10 for me. I can see myself buying more of the 2020 vintage as a daily sipper if i am wanting to sip on some wine. as well as trying out the 2021 vintage if its out to see how it differs in vintage. etc
today I tried it again.
My review hasnt changed much to the previous one. but I like it alot more today. The aroma is more pronounced and feels like a fruit bomb.
on the palate it feels more tannic than yesterday. but i think i like that. feels alot less acidity and alcohol than yesterday. in fact, i taste no alcohol from it, and very hard to detect any acidity this time around.
in conclusion, for $15, this is a must try pinot noir for a beginner. And i most likely will be picking up another 2020 bottle and waiting for a new vintage.

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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