People.. I am sorry for this low effort post, but because my countries national currency is really struggling against the euro, wine prices are expected to be soaring from early 2024.
Because of this I am going to buy some super seconds pretty soon, before it's too late. I am gathering information on what to buy from all over the internet and I would also appreciate some input from r/wine.
I can get newer vintages for the most part, luckily a lot of 16, 18,19 and 20, but also some older ones.
I have experience with pontet canet 11 and 14, pichon baron 20 and 19, pichon lalande 20 and 19, leoville las cases 20, leoville poyferre 14, 15 and 20. Frankly I have loved all of them, but I am absolutely going to get a Pichon Baron. Probably 18 due to price.
So r/wine. I realize that the vintages I've mentioned are young, but what are your favorite bordeaux super seconds in general? Any particular vintages you've found extra good?

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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