I just got a bottle of 96 Haut Brion to enjoy on my birthday next month (it’s a birth year bottle). This will be my first grand vin from a first-growth (I’ve had ‘09 Petit Mouton and ‘16 Clarence de Haut Brion) so I’m pretty excited. This will also be the oldest non-fortified wine I’ll have tried (I’ve had ‘96 Madeira before). So looking forward to trying it all around, but I don’t want to botch anything along the way.
What sort of things do I need to be aware of beforehand? I should probably decant the wine, right? I know young Bordeaux can need quite some time to open up but how long for an older bottle like this? I’m considering paying corkage at a restaurant to push service onto them…is there anything I should ask besides just what their corkage policy is (e.g., giving them the bottle beforehand to decant?)?
Thanks in advance!

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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