Hello, I'm an American high schooler with a passion for wine (both my parents were bartenders, and I've been working in fine dining since I've been legally allowed to) and I've recently been given the offer to study Viticulture and Oenology at Cornell University. It's really a dream of mine and it's a really great school to boot.
My only issue is that I'm dirt broke, really. I have <10 thousand dollars to my name and pretty much nothing else (with no family support). I need to find a job that can support me after getting my degree, is that realistic?
P.S. I've taken the WSET 2, and so I have a little experience with wine education... though I doubt it's the same. Also, if I don't go to school for wine, I plan on becoming a nurse (largely due to the stability and availability of jobs).

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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