Hello fellow wine friends,
recently I was introduced to sparkling wine from Franciacorta via my trusted wine dealer. I have never heard of this wine region before, since I‘m fairly new to wine. Since my girlfriend enjoys a good bottle of sparkling wine and i want to do a vacation in northern italy next summer, i wanted to try out some Franciacorta wine beforehand, to see of it‘s worth it to book a vacation in that area. Does someone have a recommandation for a „typical“ Franciacorta taste, that me and my girlfriend can try out some? I‘m based in Germany, so it should be possible to get the most bottles, that are beeing shipped, from that region.
I appreciate every advice! Sorry for spelling errors etc., english is not my native language.
Cheers and thank you!

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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