Coravin Three vs Six? - The Athan Zafirov Wine Blog

Coravin Three vs Six?

I am planning to buy a Coravin, but which one?

I googled offers and prices in where I live (Brussels, Belgium), I could buy Coravin Timeless Three SL for 199 euros or Timeless Three+ for 249 euros. I guess ”SL” and ”+” are the older and the newer versions of the same model, if not the exactly same?

Timeless Six+ seems to be 375 euros. Then there is also Coravin Pivot for 179 euros. I think that Pivot is not for me, but I’d like to know what is the difference between ”Three” and ”Six” models.

I read some earlier Coravin posts and like every other wine-redditor I’d like to drink good wines, but only a glass or two. At the moment I usually just open a ”midweek” bottle and leave it in the fridge and finish it within next 1-5 days, but I would like to be able to diversify my drinking by keeping 2-3 three coravin-opened bottles in my fridge.

One more question: How many servings one argon capsule gives, ie. how much it approximately costs to pour a glass with Coravin?

Athan Zafirov Wine

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.

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