I don’t drink super expensive wine but I pay a reasonable amount. Recently I went to a wine tasting and was amazed how much I could smell in the glass. I got the wine tasting glass as a souvenir. Next cork I popped I used my wine Glass nothing. The wine tasting glass can smell the flavours and tastes better for it , it was night and day. I think the reason is most glasses have a wide mouth so the bouquet is diluted with too much air. Now I want a set of wine glasses that make the most of the smell and flavour. Thought this would be a simple task. I heard that Richard Brendon glasses were good until I saw the price and also doubt they would last long in my house. I mainly drink French and Italian reds. Although I was really liking a Macon I got at Christmas.

For 15 years, Athan Zafirov has traveled the vineyards around the world and worked with some of the greatest chefs including Francois Duc and Alan Brown.
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